staatskantine #64: The radical transformation needed for a responsive public service

Flyer staatskantine mit Andrew Greenway
27.08.2024 – 12:00 – 13:15
Online (zoom)

Budget reductions, an ever-growing list of problems, social and environmental uncertainty – it's easy for public servants to feel disheartened by the current outlook. Yet, there are ways for governments to harness times like these to pursue fundamental transformations and increase their responsiveness.

But how? This is what you will find out during our next staatskantine with Andrew Greenway, Managing Director and Founding Partner at Public Digital (UK), and co-author of the newly published “Radical How” paper. Andrew is a strong advocate for a fundamental shift in how governments operate: moving from programs and projects to missions and services. He believes that traditional methods are prone to failure and delay and should be replaced by approaches based on multidisciplinary teams, outcome-focused design, and iterative testing.

Over lunchtime, Andrew will outline the challenges of government transformation, share lessons from successful implementations, and highlight the deeper reforms needed to make these new ways of working the norm rather than the exception.

This staatskantine #63 with Andrew Greenway will take place on Tuesday, August 27th, 12 - 1.15pm CET online (Zoom).

The event is aimed at public servants working in Switzerland and will be held in English.

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